What does “tsukareta” mean? 疲れた?つかれた?

Tsukareta desyou.
Otsukare sama-.
If you are in Japan, you will ...
What does “torima” mean? What do you say in English? とりま

Torima, mashi kutte kuru.
Torima, otsukare.
Torima yokatta.
とりま、よかった。 ...
What does “Muri” mean? In English?無理?

…… te iuka, muri.
Suki sugite muri —!
Tomoya, kawaisugite muri dawa! ...
What does “don-biki” mean in Japanese? donbiki! どんびき! ドン引き!

“Don-biki —!”
Have you heard this word?
This is slang, but recently some comedians, TV ...
What is the meaning of “maji” and its example sentences? マジ

“Maji, yabai“
“Eee, maji de?”
“Maji ka —“
“Maji de ureshi ...
What does ”tehepero” mean in Japanese? てへぺろ? テヘペロ?

In every country and at any time, young people create new words or shorten existing ones. They are usually slang, but ...
What does mean “tsundere”? ツンデレ?

Female with “tsundere” characters often appear in Japanese animation, comics, and games. There are also “tsunde ...
What does “yokunai” mean? よくない?

“Sore wa yokunai desu!(それはよくないです!)”
“Kono hon wa amari yokunai.(この本はあまりよくない)”
“Yokunai uwasa wo kiita.( ...
What does “yandere” mean? yan-dere? ヤンデレ?

If you are a Japanese anime fan and have watched a lot of anime, have you ever met a “Yandere(ヤンデレ)” type character?
What does ‘dere-dere’ mean? デレデレ? Japanese?

Did you hear the word “dere-dere” somewhere?
These are some examples of how the word is used in Japanese conver ...