What does “Donmai” mean in Japanese? When can it be used? ドンマイ

Donmai, ki ni shinaide!(ドンマイ、気にしないで!)
Donmai, kondo wa ganbatte!(ドンマイ、今度は頑張って!)
In J ...
What is the meaning of “dekai” in Japanese? When can it be used? でかい

“Oo, dekai!(おお、でかい!)”
“Wa-, dekkai fune da na-(わー、でっかい船だなー)”
“Nani ano dekai ta ...
What is the meaning of Japanese ARA ARA, Arara? あらあら あらら

As mentioned above, we often hear words such as “ara ara(あらあら)”, “arara(あらら)” or “a-rar ...
What do “bibiru” and “bibitta” mean? What in English? びびる

Seebu suru mae ni PC ga furi-zu suru to bibiru yone.
Are omae no yomesan? Maji kowa ...
What does “hekomu” mean? in English?ヘコむ?凹む?

Kinou sigoto de misutta-, hekomu wa-.
Sonna ni hekomuna yo-.
“ ...
What is the meaning of “hokkori”? What do you say in English? ほっこり

Aa-, hottori shita-.
Hokkori shashin ni iyasareru wa-.
Mata anohito h ...
What does “busu(ブス)” mean?

Did you hear the word “busu(ブス)” somewhere?
In Japanese, “busu” means an ugly woman. It ...
What does “sekoi” mean? What in English?せこい?

Nani ano hito sekoi.
Sonna sekoi koto shinaide kimae yoku ike yo.
What does “mattari” mean? What is the word in English? まったり

Onsen demo itte mattari shitai yo ne-.
Mattari to shite ii aji desu n ...
What is natsui (なつい)? Meaning and examples

“Natsui” is a word created and used by Japanese young people some years ago.
It is a shorten version of a word ...