What does “guguru” mean? in English? ググる

“Guguru(ググる)” is already used in Japan not only on the Internet but also in everyday conversation.
It ...
What does “doki-doki” mean? dokidoki? ドキドキ?

There are many onomatopoeias in Japanese, and “doki doki(どきどき、ドキドキ)” is one of them.
“Doki doki” means that the ...
What does “gachi” mean? ガチ?

Gachi de yabai
Gachi no ippon shoubu
Korette gachi no yatsu?
What does iketeru mean?イケてる?

If someone says such a word to you, you can be pleased!
Because it means,
“You a ...
What does chuuni byou mean? 中二病

One of the words frequently used among Japanese youth is “chuunibyou(中二病:ちゅうにびょう)”.
It is often used in the ota ...
What does charai mean in Japanese?ちゃらい?チャライ?

“Charai !!(ちゃらい:チャライ)”
Perhaps there is at least one person around you with such a character.
I hope that p ...
What does kimochi yokatta mean? 気持ちよかった!

「Kimochi yokatta–!」
This phrase means “It felt very good”.
This meaning may vary slightly depending on the ...
What does aete yokatta mean?会えてよかった!

“Aete yokatta!(会(あ)えてよかった!)”
Did someone give you such a phrase?
Then you must be very attracti ...
Meaning of “orz”? Is it a slang? emoji?

“Orz” was often seen on one of the big bulletin boards in Japan, “2 channel (currently 5 channel) ...
What does “ggrks” mean? the definition? ググレカス?

If you are looking at Japanese SNS, you will often see a net slang called “ggrks”.
This word, which has begun t ...