What does kimochi yokatta mean? 気持ちよかった!

「Kimochi yokatta–!」
This phrase means “It felt very good”.
This meaning may vary slightly depending on the situation.
“Yokatta” is a form in which the adjective “yoi” has been changed to “yoka” as a continuous form, and the particle “ta”, representing the past, is added to make the word.
The following full sentence including the particle “ga” is considered to be grammatically correct, but in a spoken language, the “non-particle” state can sound a natural sentence. Therefore, it can be said that both of the following are correct sentences.
Kimochi yokatta(きもちよかった、気持ち良かった)
Kimochi ga yokatta(きもちがよかった、気持ちが良かった)
Examples of “kimochi yokatta"
The followings are examples using “Kimochi yokatta“.
Mori no naka no shinsen na kuuki wa totemo kimochi (ga) yokatta.
森(もり) の 中(なか) の 新鮮(しんせん) な 空気(くうき) は とても 気持ち(きもち) (が) よかった。
The fresh air in the forest was very pleasant.
Puuru no mizu wa tsumetakute kimochi (ga) yokatta.
プール の 水(みず) は 冷たくて(つめたくて) 気持ち(きもち) (が) よかった。
The water in the pool was cold and it felt good.
Dance wo shita ato wa hontou ni kimochi (ga) yokatta.
ダンス を した 後(あと) は 本当(ほんとう) に 気持ち(きもち) (が) よかった。
I really felt good after dancing.
Ano onsen wa totemo kimochi ga yokatta.
あの 温泉(おんせん) は とても 気持ち(きもち) (が) よかった。
That hot spring was very nice.
Kesa wa tenki ga yokute kimochi (ga) yokatta.
今朝(けさ) は 天気(てんき) が よくて 気持ち(きもち) (が) よかった。
It was nice weather and comfortable this morning.
Yamanobori wo shita toki no kawa no mizu wa tsumetakute kimochi yokatta.
山登り(やまのぼり) を した とき の 川(かわ) の 水(みず) は 冷(つめ)たくて 気持ち(きもち) (が) よかった。
The water of the river when I climbed mountain was cold and it felt good.
Tera no naka no kuuki ga totemo sundeite kimochi (ga) yokatta.
寺(てら) の 中(なか) の 空気(くうき) が とても 澄(す)んでいて 気持ち(きもち) (が) よかった。
The air in the temple was very clear and comfortable.
Madogawa no seki wa atatakakute totemo kimochi (ga) yokatta.
窓際(まどぎわ) の 席(せき) は 温(あたた)かくて とても 気持ち(きもち)が (が) よかった。
The window seat was warm and very pleasant.
Souji wo suruto kimochi ga yokatta.
掃除(そうじ) を すると 気持ち(きもち) が よかった。
It was a pleasant feeling after cleaning.