What does “doki-doki” mean? dokidoki? ドキドキ?

There are many onomatopoeias in Japanese, and “doki doki(どきどき、ドキドキ)” is one of them.
“Doki doki” means that the ...
What does kimochi yokatta mean? 気持ちよかった!

「Kimochi yokatta–!」
This phrase means “It felt very good”.
This meaning may vary slightly depending on the ...
What does aete yokatta mean?会えてよかった!

“Aete yokatta!(会(あ)えてよかった!)”
Did someone give you such a phrase?
Then you must be very attracti ...
What does kakkoii mean in japanese? かっこいい?カッコいい?

Did you hear the word “Kakko ii(カッコイイ、恰好(かっこう)いい”?
This word often appears in Japanese everyday conversations.
What does the Japanese word “oshare” mean? おしゃれ?お洒落?

No one would feel bad, if that person has been said that he/she is “oshare”.
Because “oshare” means ...
What does yabai mean? やばい? ヤバイ? Japanese

“Yabai” is a word widely used in Japan from young people to elderly people.
This word has been used since the E ...
What does ureshii desu/na/ne mean? うれしい?嬉しい?

When the Japanese say “uresii(うれしい、嬉しい)”, it means ”I am glad”, “I am happy”, “I feel pleasant” and ...
What does mean gomen (ごめん) gomenasai?

Have you heard the word “Gomen!(ごめん)”?
When somebody says “Gomen”, it usually means “Sorry”.
The Japanese ...
Cho/chou kawaii? What is the definition? Meaning Hiragana Kanji 超かわいい

“Cho/chou kawaii (ちょうかわいい:超可愛い)”!
Have you ever heard Japanese say this in conversations
What do “samui” and “sabui” mean? In English? さむい

Uwa-, samui!
Yuki ga futteru. Douri de samui to omotta yo.
For th ...