What does “ggrks” mean? the definition? ググレカス?

If you are looking at Japanese SNS, you will often see a net slang called “ggrks”.
This word, which has begun to be used in “2 Chaneru”, one of Japan’s huge SNS sites, has recently been used in general conversations, too.
Furthermore, “ggrks” has been listed for more than 10 years since in a book that summarizes the modern terms published by Jiyu kokumin sha. This book is a kind of encyclopedia and terminology dictionary published every year and it contains terms and new words used by modern people.
Let’s take a closer look at “ggrks".
What does mean “GGRKS"?
“The meaning of this word is as follows.
“Search the internet yourself before asking people so easily!”
In English, people often say “Google It” when searching on the Internet, right? Japanese say it “Guguru”. And the command form of “guguru(ググる)” is “gugure(ググれ)”.
And “kasu (カス:scum)" is added at the end. “Kasu” is a term used to despise others. Together these two will be like this.
“Gugure Kasu!(ググレカス)"
“Ggrks” is also expressed in half-width katakana.
This “ggrks” is not a beautiful word, but there are many such words in Internet slang in any country anyway.
When reading SNS threads, there are some people who ask questions that can be easily found on the Internet, like;
“Tell me from the beginning"
“Tell me more"
“What is …?"
If such a question comes in where chatting is very active, other users will feel as if the flow has been interrupted. Of course, there are some kind people who can answer such questions.
Then the person who has put such a question receives “ggrks" from the other users feeling “Come on, just make a little bit effort to search by yourself." Nowadays, anyone can search for most things using a smartphone, right?
People who easily ask anything or ask for something are called on SNS as follows.
“Kurekure kun(くれくれ君:Mr.Give-me-give-me)"
“Oshiete kun(教えて君:Mr.Tell-me-why, Mr.what’s-that)"
(“Kure" is “give me", “oshiete" is “tell me")
Some people argue that although “ggrks” sound unkind, they are actually kindly giving advice”.
That’s because it doesn’t include the meaning of excluding the person who asked the question by saying “Get out of here”, “Go to hell” or “Just keep ROM-ing for six months”. There are many people on SNSs who speak more harshly.
So, they call the person who questioned “kasu”, but they kindly telle the person what to do next, “Google it”.
Commercialized “ggrks”
Also, this word seems to be so popular that T-shirts and mugs with the word printed became available.
“Ggrks" was a person?!
Around 2006, users who used a bulletin board called “Futaba Channel” created an imaginary person named “Gugurecus” while using “ggrks” as if it had existed in the Roman period. did.
Gugurecus was a Roman thinker.
Because “ggrks: gugurekasu” sounds like the name of a person who lived in Roman times.
And the users were playing with even making the following story;
“Gugrecus” was born during the Roman Empire.
His house had a huge library with all sorts of books. He was a very curious child and learned from the books anything he wanted to search and investigate since then.
After a while, he read all of the books in his home library, so he went to the town library to do more researches.
As an adult, he also read all the books in the library and moved to Rome, where there was a larger library and he spent every day there.
He was recognized for his education and ability and was offered a career as a civil servant.
Gugurecus knew everything but answered “gugure kasu!" when people around him asked questions that would be obviously easy to find out if they research in the library.
Saying “gugure kasu!” became his habit.
He would only respond to people in such an unfriendly manner, so he ended his life lonely in Rome.
Although he was hated by people at the time, his interest in various things and manner of learning was impressed us today that he was a great thinker.
For this reason, “search by yourself" is now known as “gugure kasu".