What does ‘dere-dere’ mean? デレデレ? Japanese?

Did you hear the word “dere-dere” somewhere?
These are some examples of how the word is used in Japanese conversations;
Dede-dere suruna!
Anata, nande sonnani dere-dere shiteru no?
Uwa- dere dere shichatte …
People who receive that word often deny.
Let’s take a look at “deredere".
What does “dere-dere" mean? and how to use
“Dere-dere” means that the expression, attitude, and posture are too lax.
This includes a man’s attitude of being spineless toward a woman, a state of flirting with a woman or trying to please a woman.
For example, when a husband shows a different attitude towards a pretty woman from that for his wife, grinning or being a little excited.
It doesn’t matter if he has a romantic feeling or sexual desire with that person.
And if his wife is there, she will tell him to stop behaving “dere dere."
Or lazy, perfunctory or reluctant attitudes are also called “dere-dere”.
For example, it is used, when a child before going to school is laid back on the sofa in the living room forever, or when a husband who was already asked to mow the garden does not seem to start.
It is used not only for men but also for women. A woman may do “dere dere” in front of a very handsome man.
How to use “dere-dere"
・彼(かれ)は 女性(じょせい)の 前(まえ)では いつも デレデレ します。
He is always spoony on women.
Kare wa jyosei no mae deha itsumo dere-dere shiteiru.
・でれでれ して いない で さっさ と 着替(きが)えろ!
Stop being lazy and get dressed right away!
Dere-dere shite inai de sassa to kigaero!
What is the origin of dere-dere?
There is a theory that “Dare Dare” originated from a word written by Yoshio Kishida, a Western painter from the Taisho to Showa eras.
The word he actually said was not “deredere" but “derori".
It was a coined word that he used to describe a kind of ukiyo-e. These paintings depict the entertainment of ordinary people and used the words to express for those graphic depictions and unique expressions.
It is believed that then the term has changed over time and is now commonly used as today’s “dere dere”.