What does “seyakedo” mean? What in English? せやけど

Occasionally, the word “seyakedo(せやけど)” appears in Japanese conversations. It is especially common in the ...
What does “Tasukete” mean? What in English? 助けて

“Tasukete …”
This is a word that every Japanese knows, and it can be heard anywhere, in a formal or ...
What does “Otasuke” mean? お助け

“Otasuke(おたすけ、お助け)” is a noun “tasuke(助け)” added the prefix “o(お)” which indicate ...
What does “gokurousama” mean? ご苦労さま

The Japanese sometimes say to someone who has done some tasks or did some work as follows:
“Gokurousama(ご ...
What do “Onaka ga suita” and “Hara ga hetta” mean? Japanese おなかがすいた

While spending time with the Japanese, they sometimes say the followings:
Onaka suita —.
What does “tsukareta” mean? 疲れた?つかれた?

Tsukareta desyou.
Otsukare sama-.
If you are in Japan, you will ...
What does “Muri” mean? In English?無理?

…… te iuka, muri.
Suki sugite muri —!
Tomoya, kawaisugite muri dawa! ...
What is the meaning of “maji” and its example sentences? マジ

“Maji, yabai“
“Eee, maji de?”
“Maji ka —“
“Maji de ureshi ...
What does “yokunai” mean? よくない?

“Sore wa yokunai desu!(それはよくないです!)”
“Kono hon wa amari yokunai.(この本はあまりよくない)”
“Yokunai uwasa wo kiita.( ...
What does ‘dere-dere’ mean? デレデレ? Japanese?

Did you hear the word “dere-dere” somewhere?
These are some examples of how the word is used in Japanese conver ...