What does “mendoi” mean? What is it in English? めんどい

Benkyou wo suruno ga meindoi
Heya no katazuke wa itsumo mendoi.
Sonna mendoi tejun wa habukou.
These days young people (and some adults) sometimes use the word “mendoi(めんどい)".
This is an abbreviation for the adjective “mendou kusai(面倒くさい)". Also, it is also said that the noun “mendou(面倒)" has become an adjective.
What does “mendoi” mean?
“Mendoi" means “very troublesome", “annoying", “troublesome" and “nuisanse".
Because it is omitted, it is used only in casual situations.
Considering its meaning, it is not often used for superiors nor used in business situations.
It is heard in conversations among friends or in talks made by TV celebrities on TV shows.
The original “mendou kusai(めんどうくさい)" is often spoken and pronounced as “mendo kusai(めんどくさい)".
The word “mendou" in “mendoukusai" itself means “troublesome".
There is a theory that “mendou" is derived from the word “medauna(めだうな)". “Medauna" can be divided into “me(め)" and “dauna (douna)(だうな(だうな))", where “me" means “eyes" and “dauna" means “wasted".
From the above, “medauna" means “waste your eyes" and that means “waste to see". Then, it was used in the sense of “bad appearance" and “unsightly", and it is thought to have changed to the “troublesome" and “annoying" used today.
Young people’s words tend to be pronounced short and fast at all times. “Mendoi" was similarly shortened in spoken language.
The original “me-n-do-u-ku-sa-i" is a bit long to pronounce as seven characters, so it is easy to guess that young people prefer to use “mendoi", which even those who heard it for the first time could easily understand.
The word tends to be used not only among young people but also among some adults. However, most adults seem to feel that Japanese people should pronounce “mendoukusai" properly.
That being said, many of those adults pronounce “me-n-do-ku-sa-i(めんどくさい)" rather than “me-n-do-u-ku-sa-i(めんどうくさい)."
Today, the word “mendii(メンディ)" has emerged as a meaning of “mendoi", an even shorter version.
However, the word “mendoukusai" is still used as an official word today. This should be used in formal settings.
Example sentences using “mendoi"
Benkyou wo suruno ga meindoi
It is troublesome to do my homework.
Heya no katazuke wa itsumo mendoi.
It is always troublesome to tidy my room.
Sonna mendoi tejun wa habukou.
Let’s skip such troublesome steps.
Gakki no renshuu suruno mendoi.
It is troublesome to practice a musical instrument.
Shukudai yaru no maji de mendoi.
It’s really nuisance to do homework.
Henji kaku no mendoi kara onegai.
Please writing a reply on my behalf as it is tiring.
Nanko ka shokuzai kaiwasureta kedo mendoi kara iiya.
I forgot to buy some ingredients, I will forgo as it’s troublesome to get those.
Taguzuke wa mendoi node shooryaku shimasu.
Tagging is omitted because it is time-consuming.
Hitotsu hitotsu haru no mendoi node matomete toukou shimasu.
I will post them all together because it is troublesome to put them one by one.
Kyou no kentei mendoi kedo ganbaro.
Today’s certificate exam will be tiring, but I will do your best.
Ashita hisashiburi ni gakkou da–, mendoi wa–.
I have to go back to school tomorrow after this holiday. I am feeling troublesome.