What does mazui mean?まずい!

The word “mazui(まずい)” that often appears in Japanese conversations is used regardless of gender or age.
It has several meanings.
Let’s take a closer look at “mazui”.
What does “mazui” mean?
The meaning and simple example using “mazui" are as follows.
1. The taste is bad. It is not tasty.
Kanojo no ryouri wa mazui.
彼女 の 料理 は まずい。
Her cooking is bad.
Sameta koucha wa mazukute nomenai.
冷めた 紅茶 は まずくて 飲めない。
I don’t like cold tea because it tastes horrible.
Guchi wa yamete kureru?. Sake ga mazuku narukara.
愚痴 は やめてくれる?酒がまずくなるから。
Can you stop grumbling? I can’t enjoy drinking.
Uwa, mazu!
Ew, bad taste!
Nanikore, chou mazui!
なにこれ超 まずい。
What is this? Not tasty at all.
In the case that “mazui” is regarding a taste, the opposite words are “oishii(おいしい、美味しい)” or “umai(うまい、美味い)”.
2. Inconvenient or unfavorable situation
Koko de shippai shitara mazui.
ここ で失敗 したら まずい。
It is bad if we fail here.
Anna koto wo itte mazukatta ne.
あんな こと を 言って まずかった ね。
It was not good to have said such a thing.
Kono tegami wo kyoujuu ni todokenaito mazui.
この 手紙 を 今日中 に 届けないと まずい。
We will be in trouble if we can’t deliver this letter today.
Mazui tokoro de kare ni dekuwashite shimatta.
まずい ところ で 彼 に 出くわして しまった。
I came across him at bad timing.
3. The quality is not good
Kare no uta wa mazui.
彼 の 歌 は まずい。
His singing is bad.
Kore wa dare no kiji? Mazui bunshou dana.
これ は 誰 の 記事?まずい 文章 だな。
Whose article is this? It is bad writing.
Words using “mazui"
“Mazui” is written in hiragana(まずい), kanji and hiragana(不味い), or katakana and hiragana(マズい).
It is said that the etymology became colloquial from the old word “mazushi”. “Mazushi” means “bad taste”, “awkward” or the like.
The following are youth words that have become popular recently.
(Only in casual situations)
Geki-mazu (Really bad taste)
Kono ryouri, geki-mazu!
This food is horrible!
“Gekimazu" and other words are used together.
gekimazu ryouri(food, meal, dish, etc.)
gekimzazu raamen (noodle)
gekimazu resutoran (restaurant)
Mazu-meshi (not nice dish)