What does “DQN” mean in Japanese? ドキュン? ドキュソ?

Although the artificial intelligence developed by a Google subsidiary is called DQN (deep Q-network), Japanese “DQN” ...
What does yabai mean? やばい? ヤバイ? Japanese

“Yabai” is a word widely used in Japan from young people to elderly people.
This word has been used since the E ...
What does sorena (それな)mean?

“Sorena(それな)” is a youth word used by people of the age of junior high school students to university students (and so ...
What does warota / kusowarota mean? ワロタ?クソワロタ?

Did you encounter the word “warota(ワロタ、ワロタ)” when you reading comments at Japanese bulletin boards or SNSs?
“Wa ...
What does “egui” mean? えぐい!

The word “egui” means “spicy/bitter/harsh taste” and it has been used for a long time in Japan, especially as a cooki ...
What does shoboi mean? しょぼい?ショボイ?

This is a slang term often used by Japanese youth and some adults.
Even though we oft ...
What does Mukatsuku ムカつく(むかつく)mean?

I hope someone didn’t tell you so.
Perhaps you heard such words in ...
Cho/chou kawaii? What is the definition? Meaning Hiragana Kanji 超かわいい

“Cho/chou kawaii (ちょうかわいい:超可愛い)”!
Have you ever heard Japanese say this in conversations
What does uzai (うざい)mean?

This is a slang often used by Japanese youth and some adults. This word seems to be used even amon ...
What does “ike ike” mean? 行け行け?イケイケ?いけいけどんどん?

Ike ike—!(イケイケー!)
Ike ike don don! (行け行けどんどん!)
Ike ike, go go! (いけいけゴーゴー!)
Otouto no atarashii kano ...