What does (moshi) yokattara mean? もしよかったら?

“Yokatta(よかった)” means “that was good,” but if the word becomes “yokattaRA(よかったら)”, it becomes a different meaning.
Have you heard of “yokattara”?
If you are studying Japanese, “yokattara” is one of the words you want to know.
What does yokattara mean in Japanese?
This is a polite expression, used both when asking for something or offering something.
It can be used both in a casual situation or a formal situation such as a business scene. A more polite expression is used in the business scene, which will be described later.
Although “yokattara" is used as is, it is prefixed with “moshi” (if) in many cases.
So, it becomes “moshi yokattara: (もしよかったら)”.
Examples of “yokattara”
よかったら お茶(ちゃ)に しませんか?
Yokattara ocha shimasen ka?
(Shall we have some tea?)
よかったら これを 使って(つかって) ください。
Yokattara kore wo tsukatte kudasai.
(If you would like, please use this.)
もし よかったら 友達(ともだち)に なってください。
Moshi yokattara tomodachi ni natte kudasai.
(If that’s okay with you anyway, please be friends with me)
(If you wouldn’t mind, please be my friend. )
もし よかったら、メールを 送って(おくって )ください。
Moshi yokattara mail wo okutte kudasai.
(If you don’t mind, please write to me)
もし よかったら、食事(しょくじ)でも どうですか?
Moshi yokattara shokuji demo dou desuka?
(If you like, how about going for a meal with me?)
“Yokattara" sounds a little casual.
It is okay to use it to your friends or your subordinates.
It wouldn’t be a big problem if you use it in a business scene, but it would be better to use the more polite expression suitable for an adult who knows the difference.
Polite versions of “yokattara"
So, when speaking to your boss or business partner, “yokattara" should become as follows:
(Moshi) yokereba (もし よければ)
To make it more polite,
(Moshi) yoroshikereba (もし よろしければ)
(Moshi) yorosshikattara (もし よろしかったら)
Here are some example;
Moshi yoroshikereba kondo watashi no ie ni irashite kudasai.
もし よろしければ 今度 私の 家に いらしてください。
(もし よろしければ こんど わたしの いえ に いらしてください)
If you would like, please visit my house sometime in the future.
Moshi yoroshikereba heisha no katarogu wo ookuri itashimasu.
(もし よろしければ へいしゃ の かたろぐ を おおくりいたします)
If you would like, we will send you our catalog.
Moshi yoroshikereba hanashi wo kikasete kudasai.
もし よろしければ、話(はなし)を 聞かせて(きかせて) ください。
If it is all right with you, please tell me about it.
Moshi yoroshikereba nimotu wo okazukari shimasu.
もし よろしければ、荷物(にもつ) を お預かり(あずかり) します。
If you like, we can keep your luggage.
Moshi yoroshikereba shashin wo totte itadakemasuka?
もし よろしければ、写真(しゃしん) を 撮って(とって) いただけますか?
If it’s not too much trouble, could you take our picture?
Moshi yoroshikereba konnbann denwa wo site itadakemasuka?
もし よろしければ、今晩(こんばん) 電話(でんわ) を して いただけますか?
I’d be grateful if you could call me tonight.